📁 @beskarluv

✧ (ミΦ ﻌ Φミ) 💭
🔗 she / her

interests star wars, pedro pascal movies, nintendo, certain animanga

my name is meg! ⛓💭 i’m a twenty-two y/o actor studying psychology. ♡ infj + 2w1.

i love din djarin and pedro pascal a lot. you will see me lovemail then a ton here, lol.

i am nd, i mostly talk about my trouble with OCD and ADD.


please don’t take it personally if i’m slow to reply or quiet at times. i love making new friends and mutuals, i promise i won’t bite!

quick abt i am a caffeine and horror enthusiast. i love things with a passion. i work with animals and act as a hobby.

DNFI racist, homophobic in any way, support p//dophilia or s//xualizing minors, & basic dni criteria.